
Why are my RisingWave pods in `CrashLoopBackOff` or `Pending` state in Kubernetes?


Raphael Stonehorse

Asked on Dec 11, 2023

The issue with RisingWave pods being in CrashLoopBackOff or Pending state in Kubernetes is often related to Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) not being bound to Persistent Volumes (PVs). This can happen if there is no default storage class set or if the storage class does not match between the PVCs and the available PVs. To resolve this, ensure that one of the available storage classes is set as the default before proceeding with the installation. Additionally, check that the PVs are correctly configured with the appropriate storage class and node affinity to match the PVCs requested by the RisingWave pods. Once the default storage class is set and the PVs are properly configured, reapply the configuration files and reinstall RisingWave using Helm. This should allow the PVCs to bind correctly and the pods to transition to a Running state.

Dec 11, 2023Edited by