
What could be causing a 'Failed to complete epoch' error in RisingWave while creating a materialized view?

I am receiving the following error in RisingWave while creating a materialized view: 2024-04-02T13:32:00.816833445Z WARN risingwave_meta::barrier: Failed to complete epoch 6214747410661376: gRPC request to stream service failed: Internal error: Actor 78048 exited unexpectedly: Executor error: Channel closed: exchange from actor 78053 to actor 78048 closed unexpectedly



Asked on Apr 02, 2024

  • The 'Failed to complete epoch' error in RisingWave while creating a materialized view is likely caused by upstream errors.
  • Check for other error logs to identify the root cause, as the issue may be related to errors on another node.
Apr 02, 2024Edited by