
How does RisingWave compare with VoltDB?

Arjun is seeking a comparison between RisingWave and VoltDB based on their features and focus areas.



Asked on Aug 14, 2022

  • VoltDB is a commercial version of H-Store, originally an in-memory OLTP database.
  • VoltDB adopts a deterministic concurrency control protocol.
  • VoltDB (formerly VoltDB, now Volt Active Data) focuses on 5G data and sub 10-millisecond latency.
  • RisingWave is a cloud streaming database that aims to reduce costs for users by leveraging cloud resources.
  • RisingWave does not focus on 5G data or deliver sub 10-millisecond latency at the current stage.
  • RisingWave does not support transaction processing.
Aug 14, 2022Edited by