What could be causing a panic in the compute node logs after reinstalling Risingwave?
Sumit Singh encountered a panic in the compute node logs after reinstalling Risingwave. The logs show a panic related to assertion failure. Dylan suggested it might be related to deleting files from S3 without clearing ETCD keys. Sumit confirmed that not clearing ETCD keys caused the inconsistency leading to the panic. What could be causing this panic?
Sumit Singh
Asked on Mar 11, 2024
- Deleting files from S3 without clearing ETCD keys can cause inconsistency between metadata in ETCD and S3, leading to a panic in the compute node.
- Inconsistent metadata between ETCD and S3 can trigger assertion failures and panics in the compute node.
- Clearing ETCD keys along with S3 files before reinstalling Risingwave can prevent such panics.
Mar 11, 2024Edited by