
Is there any plan to provide an SQL client library usage example for Dotnet?

Bobur is looking for an SQL client library usage example for Dotnet to connect to RisingWave. He encountered an error while using Dotnet Postgresql-supported libraries. Eric acknowledged the issue and mentioned that it might be caused by a PG-specific table. Bobur is eager to know the timeline for fixing this issue as he plans to launch a demo in Dotnet in a month. He used EF Core and Npgsql library for the connection. Tao Wu confirmed that Eric has created an issue for this and will update Bobur once the driver support is complete. Bobur also requested that the fix should be reflected in the RisingWave Docker image.



Asked on Jun 05, 2023

  1. The team is aware of the issue with the SQL client library usage example for Dotnet and is working on fixing it.
  2. Bobur used EF Core and Npgsql library for connecting to RisingWave.
  3. Eric has created an issue for the problem, and Tao Wu will update Bobur once the driver support is complete.
  4. Bobur also requested that the fix should be reflected in the RisingWave Docker image.
Jun 07, 2023Edited by