
How to optimize query performance for counting rows in a materialized source in a streaming engine?

I have created a materialized source and a materialized view in a streaming engine. When I perform a count on the materialized view, it takes 2 minutes to complete for a table with about 600,000 rows. How can I optimize the query performance for counting rows in a materialized source?



Asked on May 22, 2022

  1. Define the materialized view directly as create materialized view source_mv1 as select count(*) from s1; to fully leverage the capability of the streaming engine.

  2. Consider using non-materialized sources for testing the performance of count(*) queries.

  3. Try the release mode to speed up the query by turning off some traces and logs.

  4. Ensure that the materialized source is optimized for performance, as it should run faster than the reported 5000 row/s for a small table of 600,000 rows.

May 22, 2022Edited by