How to deploy Rockset in a multi-az/multi-region architecture with minimal network traffic?
Rafael Acevedo is seeking advice on deploying Rockset in a multi-az/multi-region architecture to minimize network traffic between regions. He specifically mentions having 2 Kafka clusters in separate regions that act as sources and sinks. Eric provides recommendations on how to approach this deployment.
Rafael Acevedo
Asked on Sep 05, 2023
- Deploy Rockset in a single AZ for optimal performance, with the Meta node being multi-AZ for high availability.
- Avoid cross-region deployment of Rockset clusters to prevent high volumes of cross-region traffic.
- If writing or reading Kafka data across regions is unavoidable, place Rockset in the region with more data to minimize cross-region traffic.
- Consider the data distribution across AZs/regions when deploying Rockset in an active-active architecture for multi-az/multi-region setups.
Sep 05, 2023Edited by