
What are the options/recommendations to track migrations?

Gabriele Cacchioni is looking for recommendations on tools to track migrations, preferably a declarative tool or something similar to Liquibase. Rick Otten mentions various tools he has used or looked at for database migrations, including Python-based, Elixir, Javascript, Ruby, Java, and Perl tools. He also mentions the use of sqitch and custom shell scripts for migrations. Additionally, there is a mention of other tools like yoyo, DBT with the risingwave-dbt plugin, and a golang-based tool from RisingWave.


Gabriele Cacchioni

Asked on Mar 29, 2024

  • Various tools for tracking migrations include:
    • Python based:
      • Django ORM
      • SqlAlchemy with Alembic
    • Elixir:
      • Ecto
    • Javascript:
      • Prisma
      • Sequelize
    • Ruby:
      • Active Records
    • Java:
      • Liquibase
      • Flyway
    • Perl:
      • sqitch
  • Other tools mentioned in the discussion:
    • yoyo
    • DBT with the risingwave-dbt plugin
    • Golang-based tool from RisingWave
  • Sqitch is recommended for general use cases without an ORM or commercial solution, but it requires Perl expertise for extending functionalities.
Mar 29, 2024Edited by