How to expose Prometheus metrics of compute/metrics in a Grafana dashboard using the risingwave Operator setup?
I would like to know how to configure the risingwave Operator to automatically create the required ServiceMonitor object(s) and set up a Grafana dashboard to display the metrics.
Jonas Brami
Asked on Dec 11, 2023
To expose Prometheus metrics in a Grafana dashboard using the risingwave Operator setup, you can follow these steps:
Add the prometheus instance to your existing Grafana setup.
The monitoring part does not belong to the Operator, so you need to manually configure the connection between Prometheus and Grafana.
You can refer to the code in the risingwave Operator repository for setting up the required ServiceMonitor object: here.
Use the values provided in the repository to configure your current Grafana setup.
Dec 11, 2023Edited by