
How to send JSONB data to Kafka with nested JSON payload in SQL sink?

I'm building a sink in SQL to send JSONB data to Kafka, but the payload field in Kafka is showing up as a string instead of nested JSON. How can I ensure that the payload field in Kafka contains nested JSON data instead of a string?



Asked on Mar 26, 2024

  1. The current setup is casting the payload_string as JSONB, but the nested JSON within payload_string is being treated as a string when sent to Kafka.
  2. One workaround is to include the name and date fields within the payload_string to form a new payload with nested JSON.
  3. Due to limitations, RisingWave currently does not support sending nested JSON as part of the payload directly to Kafka.
  4. Check the RisingWave GitHub issue #11699 for any updates or discussions regarding this limitation.
Mar 27, 2024Edited by