Is there an alternative option to access RisingWave with a UI?
I am looking for a different method to access RisingWave, possibly through a user interface. Currently, I am using port forwarding to connect to RisingWave via a PostgreSQL client. Are there any other options available, such as an ingress option or any UI support?
Sumit Singh
Asked on Mar 06, 2024
- RisingWave does not have native support for Ingress in Kubernetes. However, you can explore using third-party tools like DBeaver for UI support.
- To access RisingWave with a UI, you can utilize third-party tools that are compatible with PG wire protocol, such as DBeaver.
- When deploying RisingWave on Kubernetes with Helm, you can consider using tools like DBeaver for a graphical user interface to interact with RisingWave databases.
Mar 06, 2024Edited by