
Can we use TopicRecordNameStrategy when connecting to schema registry in RisingWave?

Shun is asking if it's possible to use TopicRecordNameStrategy when connecting to the schema registry in RisingWave, as the default is TopicNameStrategy. Bohan Zhang explains the default strategy and the potential challenges in supporting TopicRecordNameStrategy. Shun provides more details about their use case where they have an existing on-prem schema registry with a specific naming strategy.



Asked on Jul 23, 2023

  • RisingWave currently defaults to using TopicNameStrategy when connecting to the schema registry.
  • Supporting TopicRecordNameStrategy may not be too difficult, but it raises concerns about assumptions regarding message types in topics.
  • Shun's use case involves an on-prem schema registry where they use KEY_SUBJECT_NAME_STRATEGY to set the naming strategy as TopicRecordNameStrategy.
  • Shun's topic contains only one message type, leading to errors when RisingWave looks for the schema using the default naming convention.
Jul 23, 2023Edited by