How does RisingWave handle schema changes in MySQL CDC tables?
I'm curious about how RisingWave handles schema changes in MySQL CDC tables, specifically when new columns are added, columns are deleted, or column types are changed. Can you provide some insights on this?
Cameron Braid
Asked on May 30, 2023
- RisingWave currently continues importing data even if a column is absent in the CDC log or the table.
- If a column is present in the CDC log but absent in the table, RisingWave ignores it.
- If a column is present in the table but absent in the CDC log, RisingWave fills it with NULL.
- If a column type is changed, RisingWave tries to parse it in the previous type.
- The feature to automatically apply upstream schema changes to RisingWave tables is being considered, but it conflicts with the current design that allows users to define required columns from upstream.
- It is recommended to alter the schema on RisingWave before making schema changes on the upstream MySQL table to maintain consistency.
Aug 22, 2023Edited by