
Are there plans to support lat,lng types and geographic functions?

Cameron is inquiring about the support for lat,lng types and geographic functions in the system. Tao mentions that it's not a high priority yet but can be implemented using UDF. Cameron shares a specific use case of grouping data based on distance from a coordinate for tasks like aggregating vehicle rental prices at different locations.


Cameron Braid

Asked on Feb 18, 2023

  • Support for lat,lng types and geographic functions is not a high priority at the moment.
  • UDF can be used to implement GIS features.
  • Cameron's use case involves grouping data based on distance from a coordinate, such as aggregating vehicle rental prices at different locations.
  • The database may only need to provide hour-level freshness for the views.
  • Query latency requirements are not specified.
Feb 18, 2023Edited by