
What is the purpose of a Kubernetes webhook and how can it impact deployments?

Yannick Koechlin encountered an issue with a Kubernetes webhook affecting their CI/CD process. Shunjie Ding provided insights on the purpose of webhooks and their impact on deployments.


Yannick Koechlin

Asked on Sep 24, 2023

  • Kubernetes webhooks are used for setting default values and validating resources before they are stored into the Kubernetes API service.
  • Webhooks are considered a part of the Kubernetes control plane and are crucial for ensuring the stability of deployments.
  • If the operator isn't available, webhooks can potentially block deployments.
  • Customizing the operator's deployment can be done using a Helm chart.
  • Webhooks can be used to validate specific fields in Kubernetes resources.
Sep 25, 2023Edited by