
How to workaround the 'grpc: received message larger than max' error in RisingWave?

I encountered the error grpc: received message larger than max in RisingWave while running streaming jobs. Bugen Zhao suggested a workaround by setting --max-request-bytes for the etcd pod. Is there a way to apply this parameter in RisingWave?


Victor Müller

Asked on Feb 23, 2024

  • To workaround the 'grpc: received message larger than max' error in RisingWave, you can set the --max-request-bytes parameter for the etcd pod.

  • This parameter can help in handling large requests to etcd and prevent the error from occurring.

  • Here is an example of how you can set the --max-request-bytes parameter for the etcd pod:

kubectl edit pod <etcd-pod-name> -n <namespace>
  • Add the following line under the spec section of the pod configuration:
  - name: etcd
      - /usr/local/bin/etcd
      - --max-request-bytes=<max-bytes>
  • Replace <etcd-pod-name> with the name of the etcd pod and <namespace> with the namespace where the pod is deployed.
  • Set <max-bytes> to the desired maximum request size in bytes.
Feb 23, 2024Edited by