
How to adjust the `max-request-bytes` limit of etcd to work around large sink creation issue in RisingWave?

I encountered errors related to gRPC request failures and metadata errors when creating a large sink in RisingWave due to a table with 1200 columns. Siyuan Wang suggested adjusting the max-request-bytes limit of etcd. Kai was unsure about the appropriate size for the limit. How can I adjust the max-request-bytes limit of etcd to resolve this issue?



Asked on Feb 19, 2024

  1. The max-request-bytes limit in etcd can be adjusted to work around large sink creation issues in RisingWave.

  2. Double the current limit as a starting point if the gap between the actual and received message sizes is not large.

  3. Modify the max-request-bytes limit in the etcd configuration in the Docker Compose file.

  image: ""
    - /usr/local/bin/etcd
    - "--listen-client-urls"
    - "--max-request-bytes"
    - "20971520"
Feb 19, 2024Edited by