
What's the difference between S3 and Hummock in terms of storing state?

JJ is confused about the difference between S3 and Hummock for storing state. Martin and Siyuan Wang provided explanations on how they are used for storing state.



Asked on May 12, 2022

  • S3 is object storage on AWS, providing cheap and efficient data storage.
  • Hummock is RisingWave's storage system that utilizes S3 along with local memory, SSD, and other storage mediums to store state.
  • Hummock can use a combination of fast/expensive (local memory) and slow/cheap (SSD/S3) storage to make tradeoffs between performance and cost.
  • S3 is an object store cloud service, while Hummock is a storage engine built on top of object store, allowing the use of other storage infrastructures as backends, such as in-memory object store.
  • Yes, S3 can be used as the backend of Hummock for storing state.
May 12, 2022Edited by