I encountered the error cannot build descriptor pool from schema
when trying to create a source from Pulsar with a protobuf format. Below is the protobuf file that I am using: syntax = 'proto3'; package com.changyuan.feilun.iotcore.client.grpc; import 'google/protobuf/wrappers.proto'; import 'google/protobuf/struct.proto'; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_package = 'com.changyuan.feilun.iotcore.client.grpc.device.message'; option java_outer_classname = 'DeviceMessageProto'; message DeviceReportPropertyMessage { string messageType = 1; string messageId = 2; int64 timestamp = 3; string productId = 4; string deviceId = 5; string gatewayDeviceProductId = 6; string gatewayDeviceId = 7; google.protobuf.Struct headers = 8; google.protobuf.Struct properties = 9; map<string, int64> propertySourceTime = 10; map<string, string> propertyState = 11; }
Asked on Jun 20, 2023
The error cannot build descriptor pool from schema
occurs when Pulsar is unable to decode the file descriptor set. To resolve this issue, you need to compile the protobuf file into a binary format.
Risingwave requires a compiled binary to load the schema. You can refer to the documentation at Risingwave Create Source Kafka for more information.
Ensure that the necessary information about compiling protobuf files into binary formats is provided on the Apache Pulsar page for better user experience.